Our certifications


CERTI W 14001 1 dicembre 2023_page-0001

UNIC Social Accountability Certication



Conceria Dingo continuously invests in researching sustainable solutions for processing leather, focusing on the environmental impact and social responsibility of production processes: for this, Management decided to adopt an Environment and Social Responsibility Management System as required by ISO 14001 standard, the Leather Working Group (LWG) environmental protocol and the UNIC (Italian Tanning Industry Union) Code of Conduct for Social Responsibility. The image historically associated with tanning has not always been positive, being identified as generating significant environmental impact as well as having arduous working conditions. The environmental and social variables are therefore critical aspects to be managed and controlled by:

  • monitoring environmental and social aspects associated with our business and that of companies operating on our behalf, and of obligations imposed by reference environmental regulations
  • defining management tools suited to keeping significant environmental and social aspects under control
  • constantly improving performance.

To achieve these goals, the company adopted an Environmental and Social Responsibility Management System compliant with ISO 14001 and the UNIC Code of Conduct for Social Responsibility, which means we can:

  • make use of an effective impact management tool
  • publicly demonstrate the commitment to controlling and, where possible, reducing the environmental and social impacts associated with our business activities
  • where possible, try to disseminate respect for the environment to the companies operating on our behalf
  • as much as possible, monitor the environmental and social aspects relating to our key suppliers
  • promote processing methods with suppliers operating on behalf of Conceria Dingo through targeted raising of their awareness on environment and social responsibility issues.

Our aim with this Policy is to define and disseminate to external stakeholders and all internal and external operators of the company the principles we intend to apply in managing our business activities, i.e.:

  • compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements on environmental, social and occupational health and safety matters (including the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for the tanning industry), as well as compliance with the principles of transparency, fairness and good faith in relations with institutions, customers, suppliers and competitors, avoiding unfair trade practices that violate the adopted UNIC Code of Conduct and Social Responsibility
  • transparency and clarity in communications with customers and the public, including supervisory and controlling authorities, particularly with regard to environmental and social aspects associated with Conceria Dingo’s activities, products and services
  • promotion of a sense of environmental responsibility among employees, i.e. awareness of the environmental “harm” and “benefits” and social responsability that could arise from the processes and operating methods used
  • control and, where possible, reduction of the company’s environmental impact through constant research into the best solutions for reducing pollution at source
  • constant improvement of environmental performance, to be achieved by limiting the waste of resources such as raw materials and energy and reduced, more controlled waste production
  • assessment of the effects on the environment of current activities and all new activities, products or processes introduced by the company in the future, as well as new goods/services we intend to use
  • definition and, when necessary, updating of emergency procedures for reducing the environmental effects of accidental situations
  • periodic efficiency assessment of our Environmental Management System
  • compliance with the principles of transparency, fairness and good faith in relations with institutions, customers, suppliers and competitors, preventing unfair trade practices that violate the adopted Code of Conduct and Social Responsibility
  • ensure compliance with all occupational health and safety requirements, particularly the Workers’ Charter and the National Collective Bargaining Agreement
  • the guarantee that the hours worked are in line with the law in force and with the Tanning CCNL, keeping the amount of overtime hours below the established limits;
  • ensure the right to collective bargaining, guaranteeing the freedom of employees to join trade unions and/or participate in meetings organized by them;
  • guarantee compliance with the law in force and the Tanning Collective Bargaining Agreement regarding the regulation of working hours and the payment of compensation;
  • the professional development of employees, through continuous training and their active participation in the tannery’s activities;
  • the absence of the use of child and child labor in the company and the disincentive of this also along the Dingo Tannery’s supply chain.

This Policy is disseminated within Conceria Dingo Srl to ensure its awareness and application by all personnel and is made available to the public, ensuring it can be consulted by all external stakeholders.
Completing this Policy are the environmental and social objectives periodically planned by Management and made known to company personnel, and available to any other party on request.

Castelfranco di Sotto, 24 January 2023

The Management

Roberto Pertici, Graziano Bellini